Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sorrow & Hope Have a Way of Intermingling

Death follows me.

It waits, slinking in corners and shadows,

Snatching up unsuspecting loved ones,

Coaxing away others on the brink,

Burdening my heart immensely.

Yet it never approaches me.

Death taunts me.

It laughs and sneers at my pain

As I watch friends and family disappear from this world.

Though I try to ignore it,

Death throws itself in my face when I least expect it.

God, why does this happen?

Why must sorrow force its way into joyous times?

I feel so close to breaking,

Breaking with the weight of grief.

Lord, send relief, for I know not how long I can bear this.

Where is my solace?

It is in knowledge:

The knowledge that my loved ones are at peace.

The knowledge that I will one day see them again.

The knowledge that God has a plan.

The only way to cope is to live.

Live a full life, full of love and joy.

Do not regret the losses sustained in life,

But have hope for a future reunion.

Do not rush Death, acting rashly,

But wait patiently for God to call you home.

Death will come for me.

When it comes, I will greet it as I would a friend.

I will feel no pain or regret or sorrow on that day.

On that day, I will be in glory with those I lost.

When Death comes, joy will be mine.

Death is real. So is Life.


*Sidenote*: I am not depressed, nor is this a suicide note. These are merely my musings after the loss of a friend. Do not misinterpret this as my last goodbye or something. If you think that, you have some serious issues, my friend. This is meant as encouragement. What can I say? My mind works differently from others.

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