Friday, July 8, 2011

Love is in the Air: Part 1

This summer, I have been witness to two joyous unions. The first was between Breanne Martin and Kendall Johnson. I met Bre by chance in the fall of '09 after a Halloween party hosted by the UNT BSM. We connected through the mere fact that we grew up no more than 40 miles away from each other, attended rival high schools, and ended up at the same college 330 miles from Southeast Texas. It quickly became obvious that this young woman is someone who would bless one's life if one became close to her. Bre exudes joy, vivacity, and a pure love for our Creator. A mere conversation with her reveals her deep devotion to Christ. She got married at the tender age of 20, which normally most people view as a very young age, but her astounding maturity, along with the man of God she married, exempts her from people thinking that she was getting married too young or that they were rushing into a marriage. The pure, unadulterated love they have for one another and for Christ overflows out of their souls and overwhelms those are fortunate enough to be called their friends.

The second wedding was between two of my favorite people: Nathan Webb and Kristiane Smith. Nathan was one of the first people I got to know when I moved to college, and I instantly took a liking to him. The more I hung around him and became better friends with him, the more I asked God, "Why did You not let me have him as an older brother?!?! That would have been the best thing ever!!!!" Alas, I can only claim him as a surrogate sibling, even though he has never been a fan of me calling him that. Dear Mr. Webb has been one of the greatest influences on my life since moving away from home. Through a myriad of fights, spiritual conversations, and media discussions, I have come to truly love, respect, and trust this Godly man. He is one who is not afraid to show his flaws and shortcomings to the world, even encouraging others to do the same. Nathan is also not afraid to voice his love and faith in our Savior, something which he has in common with his wife, Kristiane. O, how I love that girl! No matter whether she is happy as a clam or completely frustrated, she will always make time for her friends, easily putting a smile on anyone's face who gets near her. Her bubbly personality and near constant positive outlook encourages me to be more joyful and loving in life. She's an old soul, just like Nathan. Their relationship is one built on sweet and innocent love for each other and for God. Even though I've only known both of them for two short years, I can easily say that God has completely blessed me by placing the two of them in my life.

This wedding was the first one to move me to tears, for I felt as if I were watching a brother of mine being united with the woman who is his perfect complement. Two lovely people united in Christ's love.